Pictures with explanation.
  • Many solutions are acidic, basic or neutral. Acid is a substance that donate’s hydrogen ions to another substance and bases are substances that accept hydrogen ions from other substances. Acids are reactive and tastes bitter and Bases are slippery and also tastes bitter. Acids are vinegar etc. and bases are soaps.


  • Strong acids often break apart and form ions and weak acids don’t form any ions at all. Ammonia is a weak base. Strong bases dissolves completely into ions.
  • The pH scale is used to measure acids and bases. The pH scale tells us if the solution is acidic or basic or even neutral. This is figured out with a litmus paper. We dip it into the solution. If it’s a stong acid, the paper turns really red, and if  it’s a strong base it turn really blue. Strong acids have a pH 0 and strong base have a pH 14. Neutral is water that is pH 7. It’s in the between. Below is the diagram of the pH scale.